Tsm4 shopping how to#
Working on her 14th level 110, she has 9 years expertise in making gold, 19,000+ achievements, 1593 days played, over 39 million gold earned, and now playing World of Warcraft Legion live on The Gold Queen blog teaches you how to make gold playing Warcraft using ethical trading, auction house flipping, crafting, reselling, snatch lists, and farming gold making. Warcraft’s longest running Gold Making blog, The Gold Queen is written by Alyzande since 2010. With changes still coming to TSM4, gold guide writers aren’t quite ready to write the TSM4 guides, but we will be on it as soon as TSM4 is fully created and released. Racing up the ladder is the quickest way to fall off and sit at the bottom, rubbing a bump on your head, and vowing never to climb again. Either way, the important point is that to take it step by step, chunk by chunk, learning one part leads to the next part. I may have lingered too long on steps that don’t interest you. This is just a suggested step by step list off the top of my head. Fly free, and make the gold gods be with you. Step 11: You’re on your own, by now you should have noticed which places are good for getting information and how to get that information. Step 10: Learn about all the different TSM Sources and weigh up their pros and cons for your situation. Consider whether you want to import groups/operations, and if so, which sources are trustworthy, and which can you do yourself better? Step 7: Add Warehousing, vendoring, or mailing operations. When you understand and can trust TSM to post as you want it to, progress. Gain confidence in routinely posting these on the Auction House. Step 5: Progress until you have a group for one profession, example tailoring, with subgroups such as shirts, crafted bags, crafted transmog items from old content, crafted items from current content. Increase again to two groups, make a few groups with items in them. See how changing the input values changes what happens at the AH. Your first group should have one item, and one auctioning operation. Try to work out what that data means, and how knowing it might be useful. Look at the items in your inventory, mouseover them too, see how TSM changes the tooltip and gives you more data. Mouseover a few UI parts to see what the numbers mean. Just look at your professions windows, your auction house window, see how TSM also changes the vendor, mailbox and bank windows. Get the desktop app up and running and configured TSM Inventory Viewer Guide (will become TSM Ledger in TSM4?) Selling with TSM – greenies part 1 and part 2 Group Making Guides (using Inscription as example) Part 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5

Hazelnutty does great Pet Battle guides, too. They recommend some other guides too, but I’ve not reviewed them, whilst I know these guides are definitely useful for TGQ readers. Some of these video guides were recommended by Trade Skill Master on their website. Once TSM4 comes out, hopefully there will be a lot more guides for you, especially written guides which I know you love.

TSM4 is designed to be easier to learn than TSM3. Stage 1 always being “install TSM and dont touch anything, just watch how it changes your professions interface, and your Auction House and other UI windows.” In my experience, learning Trade Skill Master should be done in stages, allowing each stage to be learned and practiced before moving on to the next. How come even The Gold Queen does TSM guides in steps rather than one big complete guide?
Tsm4 shopping full#
How come there are only a few full TSM3 guides? Have you heard the cry of the TSM newbie?Īre you able to link me to some sort of resource that explains how to use trade skill master? I don’t understand how to use it.