
What is an audit number on drivers license
What is an audit number on drivers license

what is an audit number on drivers license

Conditions may be imposed on your licence and/or learner permit due to medical reasons, an offence, or legal requirements. That standard describes the document discriminator as follows: Number must uniquely identify a particular document issued to that customer from others that may have been issued in the past.

#What is an audit number on drivers license driver#

What does your license number mean A driver’s license number is a specific identification number assigned to a driver by the issuing government agency. As a result of Real ID, AAMVA prepared, and revised over time, a driver’s license / ID card standard. In some instances it can be found vertically next to your picture. In this regard, what does license conditions mean? Your audit number is a 11 to 20 digit number most often found towards the bottom of your driver license.

what is an audit number on drivers license

The license restricts the size of the trailer that the. For example, the most common driver license restriction is the "corrective lenses" restriction. A Class B driver's license is a type of commercial driver's license that allows the driver to operate a large truck under certain conditions. Conspicuously missing from the Colorado license, however, are the words 'driver's license number.' Instead, you see two terms on the license that might be unfamiliar to you: 'Customer identifier' in field 4d and 'DD' in field 5. A restriction on your driver license limits when you can drive or requires that you meet specific conditions when you drive. It contains a lot of useful information in list form, including your personal identification information and photo. And the Y condition refers to you not being able to drive prohibited vehicles, V8's, turbo/supercharged vehicles etc."Īlso question is, what does condition y'mean on Licence?Īdditionally, what does Restr mean on driver's license? Drivers of any age can have driver license restrictions. "It is written on the back of your licence. Before asking the court for an ODL, check your license eligibility status at Click on Drivers.

What is an audit number on drivers license